
Workshop 1 with Stephen

Brief 1:

This is the poster I made, the superhero with mental health issue is being pressured by his mind (blue is for mental health and depression) and red filter is for the saviour, portraying his lifestyle facing blood and violence. The cape can symbolise hope as its referred to flying which can just progression in life.

Brief 2 :

4 panel storyboard showing main story (image in brief 3)

Brief 3:

Workshop 2 with Ron

Brief 1 :

Title: 1.2.3 Man

Idea: A superhero who mentally struggles to go through his daily routines will need to save the town again.

Mission Statement: No matter how much life throws at you, Keep moving forward!

Technique: 3D animation, voice and background music.

Brief 2:

Colour: Cold colours, blue toned dark room suggesting depressing lifestyle. Hot colours, red toned outside world suggesting bloody lifestyle. Interior will be shadowed out to spotlight his lifestyle with mental health issues.

Time: Future, Day time.

Place: In a superhero existing town, inside the superhero’s house. Scenes include bathroom and living room.

Change: Controlled by mind , Controlling mind.

Sound: Tv news sound, voice of narration, flushing toilet sound, locking door and switching on lights sound.

Light: Spotlighted scenery towards protagonist and shadowed out rooms. blue cold toned lighting inside house and red warm toned outside world.

Framing: POV of door to show protagonist’s fear, wide shots of protagonist flying and aerial shot of town to establish environment.

Camera Moves: Camera moves will intensify emotion when needed and sequences near the end will feature camera movements that suggest that the character is excelling.

Keywords to portray entire film’s mood: Depression, alone, mental, reality, hope, success, innocence and motivation.

Brief 3:

Workshop 3 with Tess

Version 1 :

Version 2 :

Version 3 :

Cancelled Ideas

Initially, I had couple brief ideas of concepts for my major film that I was struggling to choose from. After wise consideration, I have dropped three concept ideas.

Concept 1 (Cancelled) :

The Hidden Roar: Legend of Eelam

Reason for dropping: This film is not covering the current situations of Tamil genocide in Sri Lanka and therefore the film will not reach out to Tamil audience in the correct manner. In addition, the film’s aim is to aware general audience about the problems that are happening to Tamils however that is a break down of a 30 year war and genocide which means a film within 3 minutes ( preferred timing ) cannot give justice to the density of information needing to be portrayed.

Work related to concept:

This is the minor film which is a sector of this concept I discussed above.

This is the initial work I done at Stephen’s Workshop.

Concept 2 (Cancelled) :

Film is about saving land (with war happening on it) from a gigantic lion that is trying to eat it.

Reason for dropping: This film’s high complexity in visual and technique needs is a barrier for the quality of plot and perfection overall. How is the protagonist able to see a lion that is massive enough to eat the land he belongs in? The film has too many antagonists that you forget the real message. Plus, the film is very likely going to be overwhelming and confusing to audience due to the mass fights, battlefield sequence and scaling differences between lion and land. It’s over ambitious for the time and skills I currently have.

Work related to concept:

I used this concept during Ron’s workshop.

Brief 1:

IDEA: Kid defeats lion to rescue land from being destroyed.

MISSION: Have hope, Keep fighting..Eelam will be yours.

TECHNIQUE: 3D animation, voice and background score.

Brief 2:

This image supports the above:


Brief 3:

Concept 3 (Cancelled) :

Title: BYE ( Believe your eyes )

Film is about man who has annoying eyes that fall off and project objects eg bag to fool man into believing that he left something on train (struggle of OCD). He loses these eyes for the better.

Reason for dropping: This film’s projection element is fun and cool however the eyes falling off him make it quite hard to understand logic of OCD as to how he can see without eyes and why film focusses on eyes when OCD is about mind more. The hidden meaning I’m trying to portray is difficult as it is a mind subject. The film is set in one location (trains station), I felt that it’s not exciting enough. A 2-3 minute film suggesting how to overcome OCD is quite patronising (for me as well) because I know myself how long it took me to improve tiny bit. Another problem is this film focusses on one particular aspect of OCD in an overly dramatic sense which is kind of giving an impression of another mental health issue other than OCD.

Work related to concept: