
This term I have learnt to use Maya Basics and have managed to animate decent sequences. In addition, I am grateful that I have been taught 3D camera in After effects as it has helped me in so many ways e.g Documentary Film.

Youtube. Everything outside of lesson have been learnt form Youtube and especially Aaron Blaise, Olof Storm and Howard Wimshurst. Sometimes I read books in library and thats inspirational. Most importantly films have always had an input for my very beginning till now in Animation.

I have a personal interest in importing CGI into Live footage and compositing it. I would like to also learn more on Maya and TvPaint.

This year has taught me so much as I come from Graphic Design Greenwich straight to 2nd year, The transition has been very fluid and comfortable because of great support and kind tutors and students. I learnt so much and most importantly I enjoy the course.