
Storyboard 1

Screenplay Draft

Storyboard 2

This is my second concept on storyboard, this is metaphorical however the problem is that the film intends to show OCD as an indirect villain and portrays the struggle at home which means the audience would have higher hopes for climax eg. fight with villain and rescue, I feel that the two concepts are very similar in some aspects and can be combined.

Storyboard 3

In the process of combining the concepts, I was able to come up with smarter ideas that show the film in a much humorous manner as preferred. The outcome of this will be shown in the animatics.


For News scene
Character Dialogue

Kuleshov Effect – Alfred Hitchcock

Alfred Hitchcock explained in an interview about the Kuleshov’s effect, a theory by Lev Kuleshov, a filmmaker that discovered the important of sequence arrangement editing. Explaining how the montage of two different films can be used to gather a different interpretation and emotion by the audience. The idea of juxta positioning two different sequence shots together are to portray a different experience. The theory behind Alfred Hitchcock’s experiment of the Kuleshov’s effect in 1964 is that the audience can acquire more from two shots rather than one single shot. He describes this as the Methodist fear of cinema through the arrangement of images. This is proven in his own attempt of sequences portraying a scene of an old man collaged with a sequence shot of a lady sitting with a child and then switched back to a shot of the old man smiling. This same sequence is then repeated, however this time replacing the shot of the women and child with a shot of a women sitting. Through this experiment it is visible that by viewing from the audiences side it perceives two different emotions and perceptions of the old man.

kuleshov effect

Using this theory and effect I would like to experiment the Kuleshov’s effect in my film to portray the idea of OCD to the audience in a more abrupt yet convincing form for the audience to comprehend. I will do this by editing sequence shots of my character contrasting with the sequence shots of the surroundings that seems to bother my character, to emphasise on the emotion my character undertakes and to let the audience experience the rushing sensation of rage and confusion that my character senses. Through this editing process I will add the use of colour communication as well as the juxta positioning of my sequence to hint the colour differences with the change of emotions to
the audience.


Colours as metaphors (research in dissertation)

Tenet' BTS video featuring John David, Robert Pattinson, and Christopher  Nolan out now
Doppler shift

The film will be set in a blue lit world which is the non-progressive state of mind where blue also symbolises depression of the character. The film advances to moments of red showing the rage and pressure of the panicky moments the character goes through. The character’s cape is yellow which symbolises hope and towards the end where the character fights through the orange-red clouds we get an understanding a steady progress.

Superman inspired theme

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Animatic with animated clips:

Final Film: 1.2.3 Man