
Proposal 1 :

“I will be exploring the Experimental Brief, I will take this opportunity to experiment with CGI and photo-realism. I have basic knowledge in 3D software and this will be a chance for me to try out various techniques and tools to achieve great result.
In terms of hyper realistic rendering, I have worked around architecture by using software such as lumion. My goal is to create a animation that is very realistic but also polished in a theme. I need to find a software that can do real time rendering as that will help alot when you have a budgeted hardware.

My content will be based on fast paced war scene that happened in Sri Lanka between the freedom fighters and general army. this is needed as people are starting to and wanting to learn more about Tamil history as it getting wiped slowly in many countries.
In addition, im a Tamil and it is personal for me as alot of my relatives have passed away during the years of war.

I will be able to do this brief using the technique – motion capture.

As I believe from research it is possible to do it using gaming devices such as Xbox Kinect, I would like to see what extent I can utilize the technique to achieve satisfying results where a character can show convincing emotions and where a subject can perform less robotic movements.

Furthermore research is needed to fulfill the concept. I will need to look into the content and software elements more.”

Proposal 2:

The aim of this proposal is to develop my skills in Animation as a whole. I started the course in 2nd year and I have limited knowledge in the techniques. I would like to progress in learning the ultimate theory of Animation Principles and Film Language. By progressing in the elements stated, I will be able to produce an engaging film consisting of good story and emotional communication with audience that can be sent to Film Festivals and used for showreel. Furthermore, this project will ensure that I gain knowledge of the essentials and prepare myself to potentially apply this in other methods such as 3D Animation (Major Project).

For the Minor Project, I would like to develop an original stylised 2D animation film (with 3D elements) that communicates the art of animation theory well. In order to achieve this, I will research into Animation essentials and master them.

This film is about a little boy finding friendship with a strange Tiger spirit he found inside the ocean. The narrative is based on a tiger that saves a kid when he falls into the ocean from being overrun by a swarm of flying fishes. The mysterious tiger takes the kid around the deeper ocean where visuals of older Tamil generations are shown through culture and history (Kumarikandam). This adventure becomes very exciting by pace and the tiger eventually takes the kid back to the wooden row boat. Unfortunately the film does not end happily as the tiger gets swallowed by a deep spiral within the ocean and that left the boy clueless and hopeless.  

That said, the film is about being hopeless. Being a Tamil is hopeless. Our history is being removed systemically. Tamils fought for their land and peace, but racism still exists but maybe not as visible to everyone. Sri Lankan Tamils have become an ethnic minority in their own land and over time Tamils have been killed through genocide to make Sri Lanka a ‘Sinhalese-Only’ country. We as Tamils cannot call ourselves Sri Lankan as it is disrespectful to what we fight for. So what are we, Where do we belong? What do we want?

The above questions are what the little boy discovers through the short narrative. The film has many metaphorical elements eg; ‘Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam’ being the strange tiger that becomes an odd friend for the kid. Many hidden aspects like the lost land of Tamils ‘Kumarikandam’ will be referred to for cultural and historical reference.

The entire film will be produced in 2D mainly and will have a stylised unique form that devotes itself to Animation principles.

Proposal 3:

The aim of this proposal is to produce a fully realised section of a longer metaphorical narrative film which is about the friendship between a Boy and a Tiger. I would like to develop an original stylised 2D animation film with the use of painterly brush strokes essentially to form an abstract visual explanation.

This film is about a little boy finding friendship with a strange Tiger spirit he found inside the ocean. The narrative is based on a tiger that saves a kid when he falls into the ocean from being overrun by a swarm of flying fishes. The mysterious tiger takes the kid around the deeper ocean where visuals of older Tamil generations are shown through culture and history (Kumarikandam). This adventure becomes very exciting by pace and the tiger eventually takes the kid back to the wooden row boat. Unfortunately the film does not end happily as the tiger gets swallowed by a deep spiral within the ocean and that left the boy clueless and hopeless.  

That said, the film is about being hopeless. Being a Tamil is hopeless. Our history is being removed systemically. Tamils fought for their land and peace, but racism still exists but may not be not as visible to everyone. Sri Lankan Tamils have become an ethnic minority in their land and over time Tamils have been killed through genocide to make Sri Lanka a ‘Sinhalese-Only’ country. We as Tamils find it difficult to identify ourselves as Sri Lankans due to the government actions of genocide towards Tamils. So what are we, Where do we belong? What do we want?

The above questions are what the little boy discovers through the short narrative. The film has many metaphorical elements eg; ‘Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam’ being the strange tiger that becomes an odd friend for the kid. Many hidden aspects like the lost land of Tamils ‘Kumarikandam’ will be referred to for cultural and historical reference.

For the minor project, I will be animating the first half of the film where the boy is rescued by the tiger and taken to the lost city. The entire film will be produced in 2D and will have a stylised abstract unique form with dramatic Tamil culture themed soundtrack.

British Tamils commemorate Maaveerar Naal | Tamil Guardian
Remembering our Maveerar | EelamView

Next concept


Brainstorming Ideas

Brush Experiment


Character Design

Boy in Vetti

It took me a while to get in to the flow but with a size 100 brush and great flow in pen, I was able to give great painterly strokes, I am satisfied with the result and pretty excited.

Tiger in Ka(a)dal

Kadal means Sea , Kaadal means Love

Sound Design

(Click on image for bigger scale)

TvPaint Experiments

This was a first try, I did not like the outcome, I realised that this is not the right method.
I couldn’t quite set the brush loose whilst using Tvpaint, but the result was decent.

Introducing Animdessin 2 for Adobe Photoshop

Installing the extension was pretty easy as the github page has clear instructions. I liked the beginner friendly user interface which has big icons that prevent overwhelming.

The buttons are in chronological order which allowed me to make an animation test comfortably and also understand the system quick.
This felt a lot like using TVPaint, however I had much more comfort and ease with Animdessin 2 as it is integrated within Photoshop which is the software I am most comfortable and best at using. This allowed me to use my favourite brushes in my animation with the suitable settings I prefer.

Here are some quick test renders made using Animdessin 2:

These were just made using a computer mouse, but the main part is that I am comfortable with Animdessin’s system. Now I can proceed with animating further with better brush strokes using my drawing tablet.

Animating Process

I am satisfied with this result, very fluid and the scribble experiment allowed me to give a dramatic feeling of fear for the character.
Testing the fish swarm effect, I need more line strokes.

This feels more dramatic and violent as I wanted it to be. Plus, the numerous lines in one brush stroke is effective and impactful in animating rather than individually animating each line.

Added splatters of ink to add more aggressive motion.
This is meant to be one fish that jumps out of sea, I am going to duplicate this fish in several sizes to show many of them.