
Final Film : அவலம் (Avalam) / Misery | Haran

External stakes 

What character wants to get externally. 

Eg, escape tsunami 

Internal stake 


Eg: little girl attachment  

Third level stake 

Philosophical belief 

How it relates to world around them. 

Eg: value of freedom vs mental health or statement about world 

Eg hope 

This concept refers more towards an abstract approach on my documentary

idea of whats realtiy? mid dream… but dream so real but reality is hope in other words probable a dream?
barbed wire reference

Story revolves around a father going back to Srilanka to see his daughter. The film starts with flower called Superba Gloriossa which is recognised by Tamils for Ltte soldiers who have died in war. That flower used in the film at the ending aswell to be put in water with the daughters teddy as a metaphor to show that the films tsunami is the government wiping Tamils in Srilanka.

Building the world draft

Test of escape scene within maya using maya

120fps / edited on premiere pro , rendered using Maya 2019

Water Simulation

Motion Live 2D (Facial)

More water simulation and experiments by me

Project 3: 3D Animation Sequence

Testing out Basic 2D (Photoshop)

Testing Brushes

Watercolour test

Introducing the Village Scene ( Using Krita & After effects)

Added Sun rays + Camera

Train Scene

Tsunami Trial

Colour Version Trial

I did not complete this sequence

Inside Village scene

Reduced to 12fps to balance handrawn motion + Sun rays

With Sound in Animatic:

Typography (Font / Kerning & Aligning) ‘Ocean of Stars’

The aim was to present an English title that looks like Tamil Font

Trying out Water surround Lord Shiva pt 1

Refining Intro scene to Village

DAIN (Depth-Aware Video Frame Interpolation)

We propose the Depth-Aware video frame INterpolation (DAIN) model to explicitly detect the occlusion by exploring the depth cue. We develop a depth-aware flow projection layer to synthesize intermediate flows that preferably sample closer objects than farther ones. Our method achieves state-of-the-art performance on the Middlebury dataset. 

This feature will enable me to smoothen out rough aniamtions as an alternative to drawing inbetween frames – This is effective as it is time efficient.

This feature was effective but some sequence required so much more GPU power and my PC is not great for that and I am not willing to drop the resolution of film to increase speed of AI processing.

Progress with Lord Shiva tsunami sequence

More Progress

Updated Animatic

Mood Colour Analysis

I realised that Black & White tone for my film allows viewers to keep a more enlarged input of the atmosphere of the film. I feel like certain colours control mood, I believe that this movie requires Black & White as it allows the viewers to interpret the movie without restrictions and the tone will suit as the movie is dramatic and also very depressing – Bright colours are not helping the emotion.

Looking at B/W

Gloriosa Superba

I will use colour for my ease however the film will be in black and white

Character Design

Wave Crash

B/W adds more depth and thrill to the scene

Introducing AI shading to create Retro Vibe

DeOldify is a state of the art way to colorize black & white images. You can try it right now by visiting the free Google Colab notebook for photos or video. The notebooks are open source, and available to all.

This technology uses AI powered software to simulate real life colours to a black and white image(s). The randomisation and flickers with a touch of grain and further colour grading on premiere pro , the final outcome achieves an old look.

Saw this ad on tv and liked the way the sea was animated.

Graphic Novel Look Research

Train Sequence

Test Animations

Credit BG Art illustrated on Photoshop draft


I learnt 3D on Maya first. I have also tried blender but the interface difference put me off it.

Maya Pros: Great Camera

Maya Cons: Difficult and Slow rendering – Result is not great as EEVEE engine by blender. Difficult to use multiple FBX files.

Blender Pros: Fast Learning process, Great rendering fast and clean & Free

Rendering took long and result was scruffy.
My computer was suffering for the power that was required, however I managed to cut down polygons alot and I am proud of this concept I done for a beginner on 3D.
Baking water was a very hardcore process for my computer, I had so many crashes.
Sun light set at strength : 50-200
This scene was very difficult to execute as it required fast pace camera movement , good physics and Timing.

Animatic with 3D Seq

Lighting, ambient occlusion and bloom.

Applying the Graphic Novel look as learnt in previous Research

Choosing the Right Colour theme

[Black & White] vs [Blue & Red] vs [Blue & Red De-saturated]

Avalam means Misery

Final Film